Millusions - The Mill of Illusions
temporary video installation / Festival des Lumières, Lyon (FR) / 1min
IAE Lyon
Hochschule Wismar
Instituto Cervantes, Lyon (FR)
Within an anamorphic 3D image Mill constructed with neon lights, we tried to evoke the various illusions that man faces: physical, mental, sentimental, optical and geometrical.
So what could be more true, than to represent the unreal through cinema?
Whether Don Quixote chasing windmills, Scottie in Vertigo who sees Madeleine everywhere, the bohemian life that thrills the characters from Moulin Rouge, or Romy Schneider as Odette, who haunts her insanely jealous husband in Inferno...
All of these characters are in some kind of illusion, or an illusion to somebody else.
So what could be more true, than to represent the unreal through cinema?
Whether Don Quixote chasing windmills, Scottie in Vertigo who sees Madeleine everywhere, the bohemian life that thrills the characters from Moulin Rouge, or Romy Schneider as Odette, who haunts her insanely jealous husband in Inferno...
All of these characters are in some kind of illusion, or an illusion to somebody else.