C O L L A G E 

fragments of analog cuts 

Lost In The Gaze

(Fe/Male Enigmas)

LOST IN THE GAZE (2017-2024) represents psychic labyrinths of landscapes and architectures that might seem way too binary for our way too heteronormative social constructions. However, the real questions here are rather linked to Bauman’s concept of liquid modernity, leading to the fluidity of our identities and thus challenging us to think again: how are we actually looking at ourselves and at each other, what do we see, and can we ever reach a constantly changing essence?

This Is Not Not

(excerpts of objects)

Inspired by the hidden meanings of words according to Magritte’s famous negation, the new collage series THIS IS NOT NOT (2024) consists of readymades set in the post-truth era. Their significance is as hidden as their symbolic relationship to our daily – rather unconscious – consumption, led by contradictory power dynamics and fetish-like dogmatism. What is not not, is.

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